Ravello Records

Textures: New Works for Trumpet

Featuring Out of the Blue by

Valentin M. Bogdan

(performed by James Zingara,

trumpet and Valentin M. Bogdan, piano)


(Click on the album image to preview the tracks)

VMB Records
Romanian Piano Music of the Past and Present
Valentin Mihai Bogdan, piano
Works by George Enescu, Tudor Ciortea,

Paul Constantinescu, V. M. Bogdan


VMB Records

The Grands of Piano,

Valentin Mihai Bogdan, piano

Works by Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and Liszt


Valentin Mihai Bogdan 

Classical Pianist - Teacher - Composer  

VMB Records

Journey for Two

Mortyakova/Bogdan Piano Duo

(Julia Mortyakova and Valentin Bogdan)

Works by Cecile Chaminade, Olga Harris,

Franz Schubert, Valentin M. Bogdan

Eduardo Arolas